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Waste Sorting : Discovering Value in Daily Discards

4 Januari 2024   11:08 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2024   11:23 48 0
In the management of urban waste, the main problem in Indonesian cities is the limited capacity of local governments to address the increasing challenges of waste collection and disposal. Generally, only a small amount of waste can be collected and disposed of properly, leading to inadequate waste management in Indonesia, which is expected to worsen in the future due to the growing volume of waste accumulation. The waste processing system in Indonesia is generally considered traditional and often transforms into indiscriminate waste disposal practices without following technical regulations in designated locations. Waste is a significant issue that deserves attention, as it is an integral part of human life, and all individuals inevitably generate waste. Waste is a byproduct produced from human activities, and the volume of waste increases proportionally with the rising level of human consumption
Waste management has become one of the primary issues demanding serious attention in this modern era. In the effort to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment, an increasingly emphasized and effective approach is through waste segregation. This step is not only a strategy to optimize waste management but also a concrete effort in supporting environmentally friendly practices.
Sudrajat (2007:6) highlights the importance of a profound understanding of waste as a foundation for designing sustainable waste management strategies. Definitions of waste from various sources, such as Daryanto (in Suriawiria, 2002:8) and Kastaman and Kramadibarata (2007:69), indicate that waste originates from various sectors, including households, offices, industries, and remnants of construction materials.
This challenge is not only the responsibility of the government or management entities but also requires active participation from the community, as expressed by Neolaka (2008:67). Additionally, waste management stages, such as collection, transportation, and disposal, must be carried out carefully to prevent adverse effects on public health and the environment (Notoatmodjo, 2007:191).


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