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The Reign of The Abbasiah Caliphate and His Diplomacy Towards Domestic and Foreign Policy

29 Oktober 2019   23:26 Diperbarui: 29 Oktober 2019   23:40 169 0

History is like the glasses of the past that are the footing and steps of every human being in the future. This also applies for us to not only understand science but also understand the history of Islamic culture in the past to analyze and take ibrah from every event that has ever happened. As we know after the fall of the leadership of the Khulafaurrasyidin period, the Islamic government system also changed at that time to the Daula, and in this paper, a little will be presented about the Abbasid Daula. The Abbasids succeeded in holding the power of the Caliphate for three centuries, re-consolidating the leadership of the Islamic style and enriching science and cultural development of the Middle East. But in 940 the power of the Caliphate waned when non-Arabs, especially the Turks (and later followed by Mamluks in Egypt in the mid-13th century), began to gain influence and began to separate themselves from the Caliphate.

Even so, the Caliphate remained as a symbol that united Muslims. During his reign, the Abbasia claimed that their dynasty could not be rivaled. But later, Said bin Husayn, a Shiite Muslim from the Fatimid dynasty claimed that he descended from his daughter Muhammad, claiming himself to be Caliph in 909, resulting in dual authority in the North African region. Initially only controlled Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. But then, began to expand its territory to Egypt and Palestine, before finally, the Bani Abbasids succeeded in recapturing the area that they had previously occupied, leaving only Egypt as the territory of the Bani Fatimiyyah. The Fatimid dynasty then collapsed in 1171. While the Umayyads could survive and continue to lead the Muslim community in Spain, then they reclaimed the title of Caliph in 929, until it was finally dropped again in 1031.

With the overthrow of the Umayyad daula, the Abbasiah Daula's existence gained enlightenment during the Islamic caliphate at that time, where the Abbasid Daula had previously organized and arranged forces so rapidly and planned. And in this paper, we will describe as little as possible the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate, the period of triumph and achievements that have been achieved and what causes the collapse of the Abbasid Daula.


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