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love your work

30 November 2013   15:10 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   04:29 18 0

If you don’t like your work, you’ll need three times the energy
to force yourself to work, to resist the force, and finally to work.

If you love your work, your desire to do it, will be like a wind
to propel your ship with much less fuel.

If you like your work, you work no more
for work when you like it, is work no longer
but sheer enjoyment.

If you enjoy your work, you’ll work and work
without counting the hours
and you’ll reap and enjoy, more earnings as well.

Puisi indah karangan HL Nery yang saya kutip di atas, pertama kali saya kenal dari guru Bahasa Inggris SMA saya di Malang. Arti dari puisi di atas, benar-benar mengena di hati saya, sehingga saya seringkali menjadikannya sebagai nasehat dan motivasi ketika suatu saat saya merasa bosan melakukan aktivitas saya.


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