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The Great Wedding of Sri Sultan's Daughter

26 Oktober 2013   19:02 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   06:00 223 1
The forth daughter of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, GKR Hayu with KPH Notonegoro are going on so interesting. KPH Notonegoro has been a husband of Kanjeng Putri on Tuesday October, 22th 2013. The wedding has been dominate with purple.

During their wedding, teh citizen of Yogyakarrta held a citizen party. They were very enthusiatc to this Royal Wedding. Before they are married, their relationship is broke-go on-broke-go on. The royal wedding Ngayogyakarta,  they picked up by Kereta Kyai a long Yogyakarta City. Most of the star hotel was full by guests of them.

Not only usual guests, but also SBY watched it live this marriage. Even, the unusual singer Syahrini is present. She said "She hope be a daughter of sri Sultan" to the medias. Evenless, today on October 26th 2013 held a Ngunduh Mantu Prosession in Kudus where is the place of Notonegoro was born.


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