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What is Capacity Building?

15 September 2010   01:34 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:14 32 0
UNDP (1991) describes Capacity Building as "the creation of an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal frameworks, institutional development, including community participation (of women in particular), human resources development and strengthening of managerial systems"

Capacity Building is about creating a "learning" organisation and its much more that just training. Training is only one of several possible interventions and perhaps the easiest part. Capacity Building includes the following (Wikipedia) human resources development, organizational development and institutional and legal framework development.

The changing environment forces organisations to constantly identify and meet new challenges. Each has their typical challenges to cope with. Dynamic components among others are economic, technology, politics, social, etc - all these determine what kind of services and activities are expected from private and public sector organisations. The changes fast enough as the expert says becoming a quantum leap especially in technology.

Capacity Building bridging present conditions with what is expected by the organisations by driving organisation's capacity to do what it takes to achieve the expected objective. Capacity Building is similar to Capacity Development (that was a term launched after WW2) are having same idea,  is a process that simultaneously takes place at three different leves:

  1. individual level
  2. organisational level, and
  3. the systemic/social level

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