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Yudhoyono's 7 Impeachable Offenses

29 Juni 2011   23:06 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   04:04 81 1
1. Abuse of Executive Power by way of bribery, intimidation, and influence peddling into judicial and legislative matters as alleged by the wikileaks diplomatic cables

2. Neglect of Duty such as failures to provide constitutional rights of every citizen, i.e. freedom of religion, justice for all, free/affordable education and healthcare, the care of street children, orphans, the sick, the elderly, etc

3. Failure to protect the People especially the minority as mandated by the Constitution, as in the cases of Ahmadiyah, frequent TKW abuses/murders, etc

4. Publicly lying, misleading, and/or deceiving the People as alleged by the religious leaders and activists

5. Obstruction of Justice, a criminal offense thus impeachable offense, by standing in the way of justice and rules of law and/or by framing the results, as in the cases of Taufik Kemas, Antasari, Nazaruddin, etc

6. Failure to fulfill many of his promises (while under oath or without oath) such as standing in the frontline to commit jihad against corruption and ‘the mafias’, etc

7. Direct/indirect involvement in many other unknown, hard-to-prove treasonous acts, bribery, high crimes, and misdemeanors, as in the cases of Century Gate, Campaign Funds, General Election, etc

If he were the US President, he would’ve resigned or been removed from office by the Congress.

We the People shall leave no stone unturned. The truth shall be revealed and We the People shall prevail!


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