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10 reasons why 2012 million-man-march will change the course of this nation

17 Januari 2011   06:09 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   09:29 75 0
1. A form of peaceful yet powerful mass protest

2. A show of force and numbers to demand change

3. A vent of citizens’ frustration and disgust toward the current administration

4. An expression of solidarity with our fellow countrymen who are poor and suffering

5. A powerful jumpstart of a national movement toward the second reformation to achieve a clean and accountable government once and for all

6. A peaceful outlet of our collective anger and discontent toward the government

7. A powerful reminder to the powers that be that the country still belongs to the People, from the People, and for the People

8. A stern and final warning to the government that enough is enough and their corrupt acts can no longer be tolerated

9. An ultimatum that we the People are ready to take over

10. A statement that we the People are willing to purge this nation of all corruption with our blood

Related blogs:
2012-Million-Man-March to save Indonesia
2012 Million-Man-March to save Indonesia (YouTube Trailer I, 1:55min)
2012 Million-Man-March to save Indonesia (YouTube Trailer II, 1:40min)


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