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Focus On Your Ability

27 Februari 2013   09:26 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   17:36 122 0

I started learning English formally in the fourth grade of elementary school. I didn’t really have a problem with English at that time. However, when I entered junior high school, English became more complicated. My mother gave an extra time to teach English to me, but it didn’t last since my mother was also busy with her own work.

My parents enrolled me to an English course for students in Pasar Rebo. I was so excited. The years I spent there were great. My teachers and friends were so friendly. I was not that good at first, but as the years passed by, my English improved a lot. I passed the tests with flying colors. That was also the time I realized that I actually had a knack in learning English. I just had to practice it regularly.

My teacher once said that there’s no such thing as a “short cut” to master a certain foreign language. I have to agree with him. Learning foreign language requires hard work and strong will. However, it’s a blessing that I can learn English from the things I love: music, books, films, and so on. It’s exciting.

However, I don’t have actual plans to take further study for English. I have a thought of pursuing my bachelor degree in English Literature major, but I’m still unsure about it. It’s also difficult for me to have an organized schedule to study English. I have to keep telling myself to study English seriously, but I just don’t know how and where to start.

My plans for the future include continuing my study in a university, taking English Literature major. However, like I said before, I’m still unsure about it because I also want to work in a publishing/newspaper/magazine company as a reporter, writer, or editor. Moreover, I will try my best to get a scholarship to study in English speaking country. For now, just like Mark Foster (my favorite singer) said, I have to “focus on my ability.”



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