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Egypt Revolution and Solution Aftermath

15 Agustus 2013   02:25 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   09:18 210 0
If we backward linkage a ancient egypt, we can see that have a great history about civilitation along with the times, the triumph of the Egyptian nation changed following the demands of the times with two determinants that maintain the old culture of obedience to its leader or follow the strategy colonizing nations.

State and nation of egypt now having exposure to life, from the revolution in 2011 in which the Egyptian people should get off the streets to bring down its leader with the ambiguous reasons.

Because it is an effect of the revolution arab's countries in crisis and the impact on the imposition of the regime, it can be said that the Egyptian revolution is'' ubiquitous factors "or factors that occur everywhere. like in tunis, Yamenia, Libya, syria etc.

of the determining factors I mentioned above, would have derived the natural factors (Given factors) and design factors (artivicial factors).The natural factors (given factors) that the people of Egypt to the crisis both in terms of cultural, legal, social, political, economic and environmental impact the sustainability of the Nation and the Egyptian state. so that the people with the crisis was then concluded that isinclement government.

Given factors, which the Egyptian people experiencing a crisis in the leadership of Hosni mubarak. in view of the economic crisis is increasing unemployment.

At the time Mubarak took power following Sadat's assassination in October 1981, Egypt paid two billion U.S. dollars per year, roughly the same as the oil revenues plus revenues from the canal Suez. Metter of fact, Mubarak began his reign with a deficit two times larger than the surplus claims . In the three periods Mubarak government actually bring economic recovery, while political parties are allowed to live . But later in life, he began encroached collusion, corruption and nepotism.crises that encourages people to take to the streets to bring down Hosni Mubarak's rule, so finally husni was forced out of power after 30 years to lead Egypt.Mursi is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood  the eventual winner in the election as a mandate of the revolution, but in power Mursi assessed and have no concept of human resources who are not competent and a very weak network in both and outside the country. Thus, in the application of the concept by the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood alone.Finally Mursi in the military coup to save the democratic demands of the people.

Controlled variable, where Egyptian nation has a strong determination to get out of the crisis faced by the nation and for the sustainability of the country is reasonable in his ideals!Uncontrollable variables, the split between the factions in the Egyptian who won the chess politics and the sheer power that is really building.

Artivicial factors which have been designed by certain related groups that exist in Egypt and outside of Egypt revolution topple the regime of husni mubarak 2011 to 2013 military coup against Mohammad Mursi, gave the Egyptian people sinyalment that wave that was led by the opposition groups to come down to the sheer euphoria is simply not having a mature concept and networks both within and outside the country to support the ongoing revolution.Controlled variable, which bases the past has championed the group put pressure on the government and government supportUncontrollable variables which influence the united states with the Egyptian military is quite capable of controlling that.

Bridging factors, where the conical growing phenomenon on two ideologies that do not coincide, the Muslim Brotherhood to puritanical Islamic conception of arriving in the government and opposition groups, supported by the military liberallis sensible, that in the end, had to concede the Muslim Brotherhood in preparation for the passing so weakly revolution with military successful to coup mursi.

Predicted factors, there will be a long crisis between groups in Egypt could potentially multi-dimensional crisis, if tidak fulfilled by the desired factor in each group in egypt. If desired factors are met then the controlled variable which can wake stability in Egypt, uncontrollable variables. Factors unwanted protracted civil war, a conflict of control variables is made to take public sympathy and aiabel uncontrollable horizontal conflicts are draining to egypt for many years.

By looking at the condition of the Egyptian nation are experiencing the shock, then there needs to be a rescue action is what is called a true revolution in which the revolution could only be in the wake of the small gremium's.

By him that shall Understand "skeleton Revolution" which should have concept, leader, organization, network and  Financing. Refer to the following descriptions:

SKELETON REVOLUTION must meet the 5 requirements:

1. Concepts, both in terms of culture, Basic Rules, Social, Political Dynamics, economy and environment, everything should be built based on the true history of the Egyptian nation and oriented leadership development

2. Leader, where someone who has knowledge which great concept in the wake of the truth of history, through a long process .

3. Organization, where leaders there must be an organization that manage these activities activity revolution can only be done by people who are mentally strong.

4. Network,management  revolution organization must have a network with other organizations and the right people, both within the country and outside the country and should be able to perform the function and role as a leader on its network, meaning that the network is not network profit or interest mere narrow but for the benefit of the people.

5.Financing, money and looks have the goods to be redeemable therefore must know where Summber-source capital or it financing.

Skeleton This revolution can only be carried on by those who have a warrior character. (Zero mind philosophy) a mind not bound by the delusion of power let alone who just went along or reactionary.Hopefully this short article can be useful for the generation of Egyptian fighters, It is a form of empathy as the nation of Indonesia, of the friendship which had been built by our predecessors hope continue to bring blessing to the generations who truly fight for the truth we are upright in their respective country.

Jakarta,Indonesia August,15 2013


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