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A Ghost Named Darksaturnalia

20 November 2013   11:14 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   04:54 108 6

I joined Kompasiana November 19th,2013 because a friend of mine always insist me to sign up.

She said “ you’ll get new experiences in sharing and connecting by join Kompasiana”

She knew that I always read Kompasiana when lunch time or when our supervisor’s not around. She said it’s better for me not just being a silent reader.

“Write down your ideas, your voice, opinion, and also comments. Share it to the whole world. Can you imagine that someday in the future, your grand grand children read a post writen by you?”

You know friends, this woman never gave up encourage me. Now I realize that I owe her millions. One day she came to my desk when I was reading Kompasiana. She came close to my shoulder and suddently occupied my mouse. What she did was registering an account for me. Abracadbra, Wisang Geni’s born. We picked the name from picture on my desk calender. Honestly I tell you my dear friends, Wisang Geni is not my real rame.

I am sorry, it’s not because I want to hide my identity. My friend said that my’ real name is ‘ndeso’. Sorry I dont know what’s ‘ndeso’ in english. She said that my real name cannot attract people to open my post. Actually I disagree with her opinion because I usuallyopen an article not because how good name of the author. It ‘s the title which attract me more. Whatever, I though the important thing is have an account here.

My friend taught me how post an article, and also how to reply comments. One thing that’s so important was how to add new friends. She adviced me that I got to check my dashboard regularly with computer because maybe another users need my approval to be friend.

But it’s something strange and spooky here. When I add new friend to my friend list, there’s always an user name “Darksaturnalia”s profile picture on right hand of my new friend. I notice this always happen everytime I add new friend. It’s so strange because I never add him to my friend list ( as far as I remember). I also never send request to be his friend. How about you guys? Do you got same experience?

Darksatunarlia, I think this is an weird name for people here. I tried to find it out. Google gave me some information related to saturnalia. Wikipedia said that Saturnalia is an ancient roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn bla bla bla.

When I opened his profile I was so shocked because this handsome guy has no post at all. Join Kompasiana since 11 April 2009 collects 1 comment only. There are no profile picturesin the friend section. Four years but produce nothing? It’s unbelieveble.

Anyone know who Darksaturnalia? Please tell me story about this mysterious man. Why he always appears anytime I approve new friend? Anyone here got the answer? Actually this symptom does not bother me at all. It teases my curiosity as a new Kompasianer.

(friends, I am sorry for using english for this post. It’s not because I want to show off. I just want to learn and try something new here. I find english collumn in Kompasiana but english writing is so rare. I realize my english is not good, there are many grammatical and spelling errors and here. I just want to improve my english by practicing. Dear friends, I really need you correction or suggestion.)

Finally, Thank you very much for reading this post.

Warm regards


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