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"Let's Sense This Climate Change!"

20 Maret 2018   09:58 Diperbarui: 20 Maret 2018   10:11 202 0
Climate change goes to be the biggest problem in our world. Source of Cambridge dictionary says that climate change is the fact that believed to be getting warmer as a result of human activity increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Many aspects get the impact of Climate change. Recently, I see how climate change will influence every factor in our living. The behavior of human activity can increase the production of carbon dioxide in our environment. We have no choice to do not have climate change in our future. Now, scientist and some environmental research try to find the solution to reduce carbon dioxide in our world. 

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time, the source of The greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor is needed for a human to balanced warm in the cold weather. The human need for carbon dioxide used for making energy. Carbon dioxide will be used by the plant to do photosynthesis and produce oxygen for human breathing. But what happens now is carbon dioxide produce more than our need.  The result of human activities bodies, and also the other factor external as produce by pollution of transportation that makes carbon dioxide out of control. This is called the greenhouse effect. The gasses will trap inside the layer of the atmosphere. When the sun rays come, it will reflect back to the atmosphere so the radiation from the sun will bigger than the infrared radiation from the planet's surface. When the earth covered by the blanket of gasses, it will make the temperature in the earth increase with extremely. This is what we called global warming.


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