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Review "Tormented" Movie

12 Maret 2020   14:32 Diperbarui: 12 Maret 2020   14:49 55 0
Women's education seems to be a pleasant  public conversation, highly education is unnecessary for women, they will only end up being a mother at home, doing all the housework and taking care of childrens.  This movie seems to funnel the voices of women, being a housewife doesn' t mean prohibited to be highly educated, women who are educated and work are proof that they are strong, not necessarily men who always dominate.  The community must know that being born as a woman is not wrong.  But what can women like us do?.

Tormented is a short movie made by students from IAIN Surakarta in 2018, this movie is an adaptation of a short story made by Virginia Wolf entitled "The Mark on the Wall". This story centers around the life of a woman named Diana who is married and wants to continue her dream to be able to work and continue her education, but must be opposed by her husband named Dianto, who thinks that the married woman must be at home and become a housewife. Diana felt uneasy with the stereotype of the people who underestimate with her dreams and independence of a married woman who had to be at home to take care of household life and bury all her dreams.


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