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Fundamental Marketing Materials in UNISA Yogyakarta MBKM Activities

30 November 2022   04:15 Diperbarui: 30 November 2022   04:38 81 1
At the third meeting, we, students of Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta (UNISA) returned to visit Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta other MBKM, this time we were presented with material entitled Marketing Fundamentals presented by Mr. Bondan Satria Nusantara.

He explained that a brand is not just a name but a combination of name and meaning, so from a name there is a meaning in it. The brand itself has 3 important elements consisting of:

1. Brand Blueprint, the purpose of this brand is just a plan

2. Brand Equity or Perception, namely a result of the perception that appears in the minds of consumers of a valuable brand.

3. Brand Delivery, the brand here is in the form of how you communicate and how you show the products you have.

It should also be noted that buyers are not buying reality but buying perception, reputation or trust. And keep in mind that in the brand blueprint there is a brand persona which is your personality, so how do you manage everything by observing competitors.


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