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Tak Masalah Seberapa Pelannya Kamu Nak, Asal Jangan Berhenti

27 November 2014   02:42 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   16:45 48 0
"What a foolish student I am, Miss." ucap Jason, salah satu murid kelas empat sekolah dasar yang merupakan murid saya sendiri.
"Jason, don't say like that. It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop." Saya memberikan sedikit kata-kata pencerahan yang saya kutip dari Confucius. Sedikit mengena meskipun kalimatnya sederhana, akan tetapi maknyanya sangat dalam.
"I'm always slower than my friends. When my friends finished the tasks in 5 or 10 minutes whereas I took 15 or 20 minutes." Dia berkata jujur dan sangat terbuka terhadap saya. Jujur, semua itu benar. Tapi dia ada usaha untuk menyelesaikan meskipun butuh waktu yang agak lama. Dan saya sangat menghargai itu.
"Don't compare yourself and others. You are you. You are not another person. Understood."
"But, I took long time Miss." He said sadly.
"Well, from now you have to try to write faster and don't to focus with the difficult one. If you meet the hard one, you may skip then continue to another question." Saya mencoba memberikan saran.
"So, I will let a few numbers blank. Is that alright Miss?" Dia sedikit bingung.
"I mean, if you just focus with the difficult one, so, you are going to leave the easy one. If the time is up, of course, you let some numbers blank. It's not only the hard but also the easy one." Saya menjelaskan dengan teliti. Saya lihat Jason mendengarkan dengan seksama.
"I understand Miss." ucap Jason tersenyum. Senyum anak kecil yang lucu dan manja.
"So, try to do anything faster, okay!" saranku sebelum meninggalkan Jason.
"I will. Thanks a lot Miss." ucapnya sumringah. Sayapun meninggalkan Jason dan menuju ruangan guru. Saya harap ada perubahan terhadap anak itu. Semoga.


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