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Employer, Is It Me You’re Looking For? (Don’t Beg, They Will Find Out You At Any Cost)

5 Oktober 2015   17:28 Diperbarui: 7 Oktober 2015   01:11 19 0
Yes, it is part of “Hello”, a popular song sung by Lionel Richie, which I use to draw your interest. A talent doesn’t need to become melancholic, alike when he/she falls in love. A talent must not become a beggar. Now think about the last time one of company’s bright employees (the most valuable talent) was stolen by the competition or just walked out the door.
If you are a true talent, money (say employer) will find you, more than this, at any cost. Similarly, Ronaldo, a football player, is transfered at very very high cost, because he, through his monetary goals, is able to elevate his employer (football club) in profit and be more favourit.
If you are a talent, you are not just an ordinary human, but human capital. Not merely asset of the company. Employee like you is a company's greatest capital for whom investment makes sense.
It will happen if you own the most aspect of human capital, that is a collection of resources, include the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed by individuals that is embodied to produce economic value for the organization.
Studies show that replacing a talent costs between 70% and 200% of the person’s compensation. This additional cost is getting added and added by time, till a new hire is able to cover up that loss.
Aside from the psychological and cultural implications, “brain drain” can have a dangerous impact on the organization’s bottom line. (Rodger Dean Duncan).
As a talent your main duty is to make profit for employer that costs minimum 30% higher than your expenses. Both in form of profit or effective working time.
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