According to Andi Hamzah, he said that corruption comes from the Greek "corruptio" and appeared in English and French "Corruption" in Indonesian known as Corruption (Hamzah, 1984, page 2). Dr. Mansyur Semma argues that corruption is a manifestation of acts that violate the norms of the impetus to get things the way cheat and steal (Semma, 2008, page 32). In Indonesia's corruption has been rampant. According to Chief Justice Hatta Ali, the data show that corruption in the country in 2016 has reached 14 567 cases, and it increased since 2015, namely 13 977 (Priska Sari Pratiwi, 29 December 2016). There are innumerable cases of corruption in Indonesia, such as of bribery, embezzlement, and extortion to gain an advantage, into the cases of corruption that have caused losses to the state.