Keluarga Korban MH17 Tolak Kompensasi dari MAS
Keluarga yang ditinggalkan masih berduka karena kehilangan orang yang mereka cintai pada penerbangan MH17 Mereka menolak kompensasi yang akan dibayar oleh Malaysia Airlines. Menurut pengacara mereka :" Keluarga akan menerima kompensasi tersebut, segera setelah proses hukum yang normal telah ditempuh" (terjemahan bebas)
London: Bereaved families still grieving from the loss of their loved ones on flight MH17 are being denied the compensation they are owed by Malaysia Airlines, their lawyers say.However the airline strongly rejects their claim, saying the families will receive the full amount they are owed, as soon as normal legal processes have been gone through.
"[Malaysia Airlines] is acutely conscious of its moral and legal obligations to those affected by the terrible tragedy which befell our flight MH17 and has never sought to avoid paying full compensation in accordance with the law," the airline told Fairfax Media.
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