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This is All about Tiffany Amanda Syahira

26 Agustus 2024   17:49 Diperbarui: 26 Agustus 2024   18:10 15 0
T : Tiffany is my first name
I : I'm turning eight teen this year
F : For the first time, i live far from my family
F : Focusing on study is a must to me
A : All of my family always support me
N : Noodles is my fav food
Y : Yes, i really like english

A : After my study in UNP, i'd like to continue my study abroad
M : My hobby are singing and dancing especially tradisional dance
A : All of my friends say that i'm nice hihi ^^
N : Nice face with a nice heart :3
D : Diplomat is my final destination
A : A butterfly is my fav animal

S : Smallest is always been my nickname
Y : Yellow is not my fav but black is
A : A necklace is my fav things
H : Handsome guy is my type
I : I'm just a girl who want my happy ending
R : Realistic is in my blood
A : All the information above is fifty fifty


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