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6 April 2015   11:28 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   08:29 14 0

It's bloom,

no, not the flowers

It's your smile, warm

like the sun that lights

Swim through long wind

to the pores of my skin

I heard nothing, this hospital

hallway halfway quiet

Silence in my mouth, dull

tounge saddens me

It's not because I'm lonely

this pen and book cheers me

They let me write what I see,

tell you things I can't speak easily

Like the silence of the hallway of

this hospital or the warm smile

You bring it along the way

through your photograph ID

I made you a handwritten note

and left it on your front porch

It said nothing but simply saying

have a good day and good morning

As I walk away to the crossroads, walking,

keep asking how long is soon? waiting

for another time where we finally talking


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