Goal cantik menetas di gawang mantan peringkat satu dunia
Kami berteriak
Goal cantik menetas di gawang Belgia
Maroko menang dramatis
Sujud syukur
Begitu dahsyat
Thanks Abdelhamid Sabiri
Untuk ibu yang hadir mendoakan
Thanks Zakaria Aboukhlal
Goal mu di menit 92 luar biasa
Kami berteriak karena bahagia
Sujud syukur dan berterimakasih pada Tuhan
I screamed
Beautiful goal hatched in the net former world number one
we shouted
Beautiful goal hatched in the Belgian goal
Morocco won dramatically
Prostration of gratitude
So awesome
Thanks Abdelhamid Sabiri
For mothers who are present to pray
Thanks Zakaria Aboukhlal
Your goal in the 92nd minute is amazing
We screamed for joy
Bow down and give thanks to God