Ahmad Syaiful Anam, S.Pd
Pengawas madrasah ahli muda di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Implementing managerial supervision is one of the main tasks of school supervisors. Managerial supervision by the supervisor as a measuring tool for the implementation of decision making carried out by the school head in carrying out school management. The target of managerial supervision is the expected result of a school managerial implementation including school administrative aspects. Supervisors have a supervision target, namely the head of the madrasah to provide guidance and monitor the conformity between plans and activities that have been implemented. With this conformity, this will encourage the school to make quality improvements in the future. The method used by school supervisors is to interview the head of the school regarding the eight National Education Standards that have been achieved, reviewing school administrative documents. His innovation in leading school, and the achievement of five educational management substances which include student management, human resource management, curriculum management, facilities and infrastructure management, and madrasa financial management in accordance with POAC management principles (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling).
Keyword: Managerial Supervision, Controlling, and Principal
Pelaksanaan supervisi manajerial merupakan salah satu tugas utama pengawas madrasah,. Supervisi manajerial oleh pengawas sebagai alat ukur terlaksananya decision making yang dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah dalam melaksanakan pengelolaan madrasah. Sasaran supervisi manajerial merupakan hasil yang diharapkan dari suatu pelaksanaan manajerial madrasah mencakup aspek administratif madrasah.Â