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Me Without You

9 Juni 2024   20:32 Diperbarui: 9 Juni 2024   20:39 78 8
me without you is a sky without stars
an endless road without any cars
a song unsung, a heart left to yearn
a flickering flame with no fire to burn

me without you is a garden in drought
a whispered secret, a lingering doubt
a book unread, its story untold
a life in grayscale, no colors to hold

me without you is a dance with no tune
a sunless morning, a night without moon
a poet's pen with nothing to write
a wish unspoken in the still of the night

me without you is a clock without time
a hill unclimbed, an unfinished rhyme
a dream abandoned, a ship set adrift
a treasure buried, no one to lift

me without you is a world torn apart
a broken compass, a map with no chart
a silent echo, a word left unsaid
a love forgotten, a heart left for dead

me without you is a canvas unfilled
a promise broken, a voice that is stilled
a journey halted, a story half-done
a race unrun, a war never won

so here I stand, with my soul open wide
for life without you is an empty ride
in every moment, in all that I do
my heart whispers softly, "I need you"

Solo, Sun, 9th June 2024. 8:27 pm
Suko Waspodo


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