Back then, the idea of marxism had become the dream of many youths in Eastern Europe, while the idea of "Liberte" sailed from Paris to New York. These two things create their own phenomenon, marxism sparked a revolt by the workers against the employers, whereas liberalism inspires resistance to tyranny by the youth. Besides that, in the middle of Indonesian archipelago, an idea was born from the thoughts of the ancestors, they call it "Pancasila". Just like what happens in other places, Pancasila has its own impact. Its existence inspires the Indonesians to move together for the sake of the nation in the midst of existing differences. Based on these facts, we can see that political ideology has a great influence on the state of society. Furthermore, in most countries, this political ideology is then developed into a system of government. With this development, namely as a system of government, the impact that spreads to the community is increasingly real and widespread. These impacts spread to various sectors, ranging from economic to social.