Al-Kindi was the first Muslim philosopher who compiled Islamic philosophical thought with a clear systematic. Al-Kindi's philosophical thought is a reflection of the doctrines he obtained from classical Greek sources and Neo-Platonic heritage combined with Islamic religious beliefs. Al-Kindi opened the discussion room as an effort to integrate philosophical and religious doctrines. Knowledge of God by Al-Kindi is referred to as early philosophy or first philosophy; philosophy which discusses al-haqq as telos which will end the whole work of philosophy. Al-Kindi divides reason based on each stage as follows; intellect which is always active (is the core of all reason and all objects of knowledge), potential intellect (mind that guarantees human readiness to understand things that may be rational and requires stimulation from outside), actual intellect (potential intellect that has gone out of its potential limit when the soul begins to understand things that are rational and abstract) and reason is born (mind that has been serious in understanding rational things and turning something potential into actual).