At World Food Day 2010, our government launched the ‘One Day No Rice’ campaign. Was it effective? Well, the statistic shows that there is indeed a decline on national rice consumption, from 139.15 kg/capita/year in 2010 to 113.48 kg/capita/year in 2011. Although this number is still high compared to average world consumption (60 kg/capita/year) and other countries (80 kg/capita/year in Malaysia, 70 kg/capita/year in Thailand and 58 kg/capita/year in Japan), the government may be relieved. But that decline could have come from the changes of consumption from rice to wheat-products. That is not a good thing! Indonesia does not produce wheat in large scale. We are still importing wheat from other countries, mainly from Australia. And the more we depend on imported products, the further we are to guarantee a stable food security for the nation.