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Ramadhan whithout the khalifah

14 Agustus 2011   05:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:48 58 1
RAMADHAN Without the Khilafah By: Hafidz Abdurrahman There are different, when Ramadan under the auspices of the Caliphate, the Caliphate when it was gone. Without the Khilafah, the holy month of Ramadan 1432 H this August has been changed. In the hands of people who have had intellectual decline, the holy month of this glorious month has changed from the Battle of Badr (17 Ramadan 2 AH), Liberation of Makkah (20 Ramadan 8 H), Liberation of Sind, India (6 Ramadan 92 AH), Liberation of Andalusia (beginning of Ramadan 91 AH), Liberation Shaqliyyah (9 Ramadan 212 H), Pembaiatan Caliph al-Qadir (11 Ramadan 381 H), War 'Ain Goliath (25 Ramadan 658 H), Liberation Antiock (beginning of Ramadan 666 H) and months of work hard turn into months of idleness, entertainment, leisure and jor-rod. Several decades have passed, and Ramadan was always we leave behind us as orphans, wailing and helpless. Each year, Ramadan has always approached us, and so fleeting; forgotten and unrecorded slightest setback after setback in the sheet we are .. How Ramadan is not passed from our lives quickly, when we constantly tenggalam in sight abject, repeated every year. Viruses that spread the deadly poison with various crimes and the shape and color, witnessed and heard all the people with their eyes and ears, disseminated through the mass media. Everything is hiding under the guise of Ramadan event. This is the holy month of Ramadan. Month of the Qur'an, which is derived as the difference between the Truth and falsehood. The Qur'an has been used as a law for mankind, and their way of life. Descended from the sky to be read and analyzed, as well as explaining the law of governance, in order to provide a road map to mankind in order to achieve his guidance and Taufik. While now, we witnessed the al-Quran abandoned the life; combated by the authorities, diangungkan with just a kiss, but it continues to be trampled upon, then placed on shelves. Ramadan is the month of victory and liberation. That's where the momentum of the Battle of Badr Kubra we can see. Liberation of Makkah that we can not erase from memory. In this month, 'Amuriyah, one of the important Roman city after Constantinople, was freed after a woman screamed, Wa Mu'tashimah (O Mu'tashim)! Followed by the War 'Ain Goliath, where Tatar armies were defeated, and pursued by the Sultan Qutuz. His soldiers, he calls, Wa Islamah (O Muslims)! By raising both hands to the sky, bermunajat to God, saying, O Allah wa Baghdad! And there are many other heroic events in this sucin. But now, look at al-Aqsa is still in the grip of an aggressor, the Jews; Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan also suffer the same fate, still in the grip of the American aggressors, Britain and other colonial countries. And no one who could help him. Iraq every day to witness the desecration of the honor of Muslims. Land Afghanistan, Pakistan to Uzbekistan had complained her fate to God, and whoever abandoned and sold. The activists and Islamic militants were a lot of time in prison-dungeon, tortured and martyred, just because they say, "Our Lord is Allah." Indeed Ramadan is the month of great and highly respected. In this month, Muslims became monks in the evening, while in the afternoon to be hard workers. In this glorious month that they have won numerous major achievements. But now, just take advantage of the new moon each ruler to divide Muslims, as well as keep them away from unity. Rather experts make Ramadan a month of hard work and earnest, just as the month of Ramadan has become an annual holiday. Community was seized with the nature lazy and relaxed, as if Ramadan is a month to sleep in the daytime, as well as staying up until midnight to do stupid things. Thus, we see the greatness of Ramadan as an uprooted from law, history and memory inherent in his glory. This is clearly a systematic effort to distort Islam to become ascetic religion, which has no influence in life, which is the goal of life of Muslims. Uproot Islam from its laws, the sanctity of its meaning to the harmonious and obligations associated with the congregation, community, nation and race. With the project deradicalisation Islam, jihad has been diverted to the war against the passions. While the fight against the Gentiles who clearly attacked Islam and Muslims should not be, and branded as terrorism. Liabilities change misguidance, and get rid of Evil, is depicted as self-harm. While upholding the Islamic Khilafah state to protect people, maintain the prosperity of the world's religions and is considered an illusion. While subject to the West and pragmatic, even opportunistic regarded as intelligent behavior. Could history be repeating itself greatness of Ramadan? Clearly as possible. Certainly not impossible it would all come back again, until each eye of the believer will shed a tear. Allah will always diangungkan in good faith. Towers of the mosques will proclaim Takbir, tahlil, prayer beads and prayer. Mosques will be the gardens of paradise; science center; university for the scholars and intellectuals; the officers of the army and police vehicles will spur them to fight the enemy, not arrest the scholars' and bearers of propaganda. Mass media, advertising and other means of communication will be used to build awareness of the people; breathes the spirit of faith that gave birth to peace, willingness and beat the world to worship God Almighty. Yes, Ramadan will again be a beacon, which could melt the meaning of unity, and capable of uniting the human relationship with the creator. The flag of monotheism, Lailaha Illa-llah-llah Muhammad Rasulu will fly all over Dar al-Islam. Therefore, the call of God is still running, despite various obstacles, difficulties and challenges ahead. Faith has to soothe the soul of the believer as a young Muslim man who is actually just to win the pleasure of Allah. Likewise understand the resurrection really rooted in their minds, and remain firmly residing there. They can also realize the mission of establishing the Khilafah, which is often labeled as Mission Impossible, a mission posible with the permission and help of God. This is momentum. We miss watching you is, O Ramadan. We also believe, you will be missed. At that time, we can be together a long stop, day and night, to fight, pray, seek knowledge, jihad and ijtihad for the good that brings benefits to all creatures, and blessed by Allah SWT. However, the momentum only will we find, when you and us, both in the shade of the Khilafah Rashidah .. Without it, our condition will remain poor and humble as it is today. please share and tag picture.....^_^ CALL KHILAFAH from INDONESIA MUSLIM


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