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What is Global Warming

2 Desember 2023   15:00 Diperbarui: 2 Desember 2023   15:20 88 11

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is a long-term change in temperature and weather patterns. This shift may have occurred naturally, but since the 1800s, human activity has been the main cause of climate change, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat trapped in the earth.

Why do we have Global Warming?

Burning Fossil Fuels:
When humans burn coal, oil, and gas, gases trap heat in the air, making the earth warmer. We use energy to generate electricity, fuel transportation, and run industry. Since the first coal-fired steam engine was invented in 1712, we have increasingly used fossil fuels.
Generates Energy:
Humans produce electricity by using fossil fuels, burning coal, oil, and gas, which causes a lot of gas to be released into the air. Most of it is carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Problems associated with creating and using energy include water pollution, making water too hot, and figuring out what to do with all that waste.
Cutting down trees:
Humans cut down trees for farming and other reasons. When humans cut down trees, the trees release carbon that they have stored for a long time. Every year, around 12 million hectares of forest are lost, making the situation worse.
Cows and sheep, as they eat and digest food, release a lot of methane which is a powerful greenhouse gas that is released into the air into the air of Agriculture. Animals also produce 65% of nitrous oxide emissions worldwide, and this gas warms the earth 296 times more than carbon dioxide.
Fluorinating Gases:
Some gases from machines and products produce heat and gas. These gases, called fluorinated gases, are up to 23,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. These gases are powerful gases that trap heat in the air and contribute to global warming.

What is affected because of Global Warming?

 Rising Temperature:
Global warming causes an overall increase in temperature throughout the world.

• Melting Ice Sheets and Glaciers:
Higher temperatures cause the melting of ice sheets and glaciers which causes sea levels to rise.

Sea Level Rise:
Melting ice and the expansion of seawater, as it warms, contributes to rising sea levels.

What to do:
1. Save energy at home by: 

  • Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

  • Use LED Bulbs

  • Unplug Electronics  when not in use 

  • Use Natural Lighting(sunlight)

2. Change your home's energy sources by:


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