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Lerep, Humble Beauty of Ungaran Slope

27 Januari 2010   22:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:13 319 0
[caption id="attachment_62766" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Kampung Lerep (Kompas/Eddy Hasby)"][/caption] After tortured by fast pace of various kinds of routines, people living on the city often missed a piece of silent, relaxing hideout. Not far to the sout from Semarang city, there is one place offering such calming atmosphere. This hideout is an artistic, pristine village called Lerep. Lerep is a hamlet in the Soka village of West Ungaran subdistrict, Semarang regency. It is situated on the altitude of 500 meter above sea level to the slope of Mount Ungaran, some 20 kilometers to the south from Semarang city. It is Handoko, an antique merchant from Semarang, who founded Lerep Art Village in 2006. Officially opened for public in June 2008, Lerep is his idealistic dream coming from his intimate acquaintance to antiques and his love to both art and village life. As a village presenting contemporary Javanese atmosphere, Lerep is equipped with several Joglos. The most prominet one is Indrakila, a 400 sq meter Joglo function as place for meetings, workshops, exercises, showroom and any other activities related to art, culture, and tradition. Other buildings with Javanese architecture are Pendopo Ondrowina and Omah Limasan. Pendopo Ondrowina is a 150 sq meter building functions as a recreational place for artist and visitors. Omah Limasan shares perfect atmosphere to share thought, idea, and criticisms to each other in a less formal situation. Accompanied by the breezing wind, the sound of dropping water into the pond or taste the traditional Javanese delicacies, artists and visitors can relax or do contemplative activities such as reading book or meditating. Omah Gladen is 38 sq meter house which frames and walls are made of used wood taken from old houses on surrounding villages. This house functions as workshop for artist and showroom for displaying the creation as well. There are four Omah Gladen each occupying tranquil spots within the village. [caption id="attachment_62767" align="alignleft" width="261" caption="Lerep (Facebook)"][/caption] The heart of Lerep Art Village lies on a 125 sq meter amphitheater. As a performance facility, this amphitheater is equipped with a stage and seats for audience. This open air stage was built accordingly to original shape of its topography. Lies on a basin on the slope between two hills, this stage depends mainly on rocky cliffs  and wind to produce good acoustic quality. Effort on maintaining the original quality of original environment is shown from the existence of a 45 m wooden bridge. Instead of building permanent pathway by covering soil with asphalt or concrete, a floating bridge was built above ground. Covered with roof, the bridge offers extreme tilted angle to watch art and cultural performances on the amphitheater below. One exciting fact about the bridge is that, instead of cutting living trees, all wood for bridge construction is utilizing collection of used Borneo Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri) log belongs to Handoko. The roof made of the leaves of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu) is installed to comfort the passers by. Lerep Art Village provides pottery studio complete with spinning table and furnace to bake the clay. Artist and visitor can use this studio for artistic or simply leisure purpose. There is also a building function as museum keeping humble yet rare collections such as traditional iron, a set of old chair, and other ordinary but meaningful items to its owner. Lerep Art Village is trully an effective medication for restless souls. It is the perfect mix between natural beauty and old Javanese village with the nuance of cultural art floating on its atmosphere that is healing.


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