Princess Mononoke is an animated film released in 1997 by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The director, Hayao Miyazaki, is known for the strong female characters and uses environmental issues in his works. Princess Mononoke is one of his popular works that use a strong female character as one of the main characters and brings environmental issues to the plot. The story is set in the late Muromachi period in Japan around the 14th century. The story first introduces a male character named Prince Ashitaka, who is infected by a demon-possesed boar attack, and he begins his journey to seeks a cure from the god of the forest. In his journey, he witnesses humans destroying the earth, causing the outrage of Moro the wolf god, and the human companion San the Princess Mononoke. His attempts to broker peace between her and the humans bring the only conflict. This essay is going to examine the story using ecofeminism as the approach.