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Cross-Cultural Connection: Indonesian and Malaysian Students Inspire Language Skills at Islamic Elementary Boarding School

13 Maret 2024   14:03 Diperbarui: 13 Maret 2024   14:09 61 1
On 28 February 2024, In an uplifting form of community engagement, we MICS members significantly impacted the lives of grade 6 primary school students by volunteering to teach English. This inspiring initiative aims to bridge the education gap and foster a love for language learning from an early age. Recognizing the importance of a strong foundation in language skills, we students offer our expertise to primary school children who may need additional support. The program is structured to provide a well-rounded learning experience, incorporating interactive activities, storytelling, and creative exercises to make language learning fun for primary school students. The college educator also customize their lessons to address specific language challenges commonly faced by young learners. As students from two different countries, we were able to share with them about cross-cultural understanding. We have contributed by sharing an English story titled Princess Santubong and Princess Sejinjang. We could measure how far their English skills are by providing them with questions. Unexpectedly, we got a lot of enthusiasm from the students. The teacher there said there was a storytelling class, and there was no doubt that the students' achievements were impressive. Two students were fluent in storytelling with satisfactory intonation and were very expressive, as well as the performance of a student who delivered a beautiful speech. 


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