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Democracy Trigger Opportunities for Corruption

20 Desember 2011   14:15 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   21:59 96 0

Like illness, corruption has become endemic in the bureaucracy of our country.State system based on democracy was to be one factor giving the opportunity for people to perform acts of corruption. In a democracy, we are led by officials directly elected through a vote.If we examine further, many wouldbe state officials who are not qualified to be a leader.However, because of democracy which decides base on of the most polls and all the people from various academic backgrounds can become candidates, they can be a strong pitch to state officials.How is this country going forward when led by leaders who do not know the science of leadership?This is one that has been being debated in a democratic system and complicates the government in combating corruption in the bureaucracy. As we know in developed countries, law enforcement run because the bureaucracy is based on accomplishments, competitive political institutions, transparent governance and control civil society and mass media are very strong.All this cannot be found in developing countries.The affair between the bureaucracy and businessmen in tenders for government projects is not a new thing that happened in the country of a thousand islands.As a result, have been form a vicious circle of corruption, collusion and nepotism among the bureaucracy of government and entrepreneurs.Allthis kind above can be a clear mirror that reflects the face of our statebureaucracy.


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