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31 Juli 2023   06:47 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2023   07:27 72 9
Some people still took words for granted
Just read, say or write a word or two then go on or leave
Trying to take it as something really normal, free and almost worth nothing
As words are free to say, read and write
But stop and think for a second or two
Did your words not come from your own brain and heart?
Did you ever think of them first before let them go out of your mouth or your hand?
Did you measure your own words and your taken words as nothing?
Words are often taken and treated as freebies
But actually, every word is priceless
Do you ever listen to your friends' words?
Did you ever remember the words spoken by your deceased ones?
Do you still try to remember their timbres when they were still around?
No matter how hard you try
Spoken words are not coming back for the future
Written words last forever, virtually, physically
They are and will return as prayers for yourself
Words are so meaningful, so be careful
Jakarta, 31st July, 2023.


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