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Anand Krishna's Hunger Strike is a Protest of Bad Law System in Indonesia

18 Maret 2011   08:05 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:41 64 0

So we know that, the allegations of sexual harassment toward Anand Krishna is only as an entry point to silence his vision and mission to uphold pluralism here in Indonesia.

Since the judges of South Jakarta District Court detained him,Anand Krishna decided to do fasting as a protest against that detention. And although his physical conditions continue to decline he remained to continue his protest until the detention is deprived and the trial process could run fair.

Around 1932, Gandhi had done similar thing, he also did fasting hunger strike as a form of protest against British rule at that time, thanks to strong public for support so that the British government finally released Gandhi from prison, and he could continue his activity to free his country, India from British colony.

Public support or people power is really required to break down the corrupt system, Anand Krishna has taken a hard non-violence struggle to uphold justice. So, if you are those who are tired of the condition of judicial process in this country, then declare your choice by giving support to Anand Krishna.



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