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Update News about Anand Krishna

16 Maret 2011   11:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:44 168 0

During the hearing that started from August 2010, no evidence found that he did thing against the law. He is purely innocent, but he got an unfair and inhuman treatment. And today when he arrived at South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) at 14:20 pm to attend the hearing, he collapsed.  He was in a very critical condition.

He handled by medical personnel then eventhough it took about an hour. His attorney said that his blood pressure was 140/90 with a pulse reaches 108

According to Anand's son, Prashant Gangtani, even if his father conditions is weak, Anand still wanted to attend the court he wants to convey something to the judges. "When I asked whether he is ready or not, my father said he is ready, to struggle for justice," as Prashant told AFP.

Prashant said his father insisted on fasting as a protest against the judges who arrested him since Wednesday, March 9, 2011. "This is a protest against injustice he's received," said Prashant.

Anand Krishna was rushed to Fatmawati Hospital for treatment at 15.00 pm.

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