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Statement of Respond on Israeli Attack on Humanitarian Aid

9 Juni 2010   01:08 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   15:39 73 0
To Whom It May Concern,

Recognizing Israel attack on Mavi Marmara, a humanitarian vessel which carry hundreds of volunteer and aid to Gaza, as an act of violation of international law.
The Student Executive Body of University of Indonesia (BEM UI) 2010, strongly deplored and condemned for what Israel has done to the personnel abroad on the vessel and the freedom flotilla mission as a whole. Our deep condolences for the victims killed and wounded at the attack.
We are very disappointed that Israel has violated the international law, to have the sea blockade around Gaza and to stop the humanitarian aid for Gaza. We called for the removal of the blockade in accordance with the relevant of UN SC resolution no. 1860. They also violated the Universal Declarations of Human Rights.
We appreciate the measure taken by UN SC to stop the Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara ship. We further urge UN member states to strengthen international cooperation and to give more political pressure to Israel to ensure the peace process in Middle East. The Israeli attack has bothered the peace process in Middle East.
We further encourage the UN Security Council to give sanction to Israel that humiliates international peace and security.
We also support the government of Republic of Indonesia to promote the peace and stability in Middle East. We further encourage the government not only to maintain peace and stability in Middle East, but also in all over the world.
We really appreciate the action from many groups in supporting the freedom for Palestine. However, we encourage that the action shall not only limit to the solidarity, but also extend to the idea of humanitarian issue.
We call for UN to take action in responding the humanitarian violation that Israeli has done. Also, we urge UN to help its member states to solve the humanitarian problem not only in Gaza, but also in other parts of the world.
Shall peace and stability may reveal on earth.


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