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Role and Purpose among Actors in Resolving the South China Sea Dispute

3 Januari 2024   22:51 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   18:07 68 0
The South China Sea is a region with fairly complex territorial and maritime boundary conditions. There are various claims by several parties aimed at achieving their national interests, the following are the actors involved in the dispute and have a significant role in the dispute settlement process. First, China claims almost all areas of the South China Sea based on what they call the "Nine Dash Line". China's main objectives are to secure its territorial claims and the presence of abundant natural resources in the region and strengthen their position as regional and global powers. Second, the Philippines in 2013, the Philippines through the Philippine Foreign Minister Albert del Rosario, filed an arbitration suit with China in a UN court with the intention of immediately resolving the dispute in the South China Sea. The Philippines' goal is to maintain its territorial claims and sustainability in the South China Sea, including a number of islands and reefs in the Scarborough Shoal and Spratly Islands. One of the things the Philippines wants to target in the South China Sea is oil, gas, and fishing. Third, Vietnam has an important role in the South China Sea dispute, such as claiming the Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands. Vietnam also demands sovereign rights based on the provisions of the International Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and historical aspects. Vietnam's goal is to maintain sovereignty, secure resources, and comply with existing international law. Fourth, Malaysia has a significant role to play in maintaining the South China Sea, which shows readiness to negotiate with the Chinese on maritime matters in the region. Malaysia is also involved in mitigation efforts to address various threats in the South China Sea. In this regard, Malaysia seeks and maintains cooperative relations with all countries to establish peace under international law. Malaysia's goals in this regard include protecting sovereignty, interests in maritime areas, and sovereignty rights. Fifth, Taiwan claims the preservation of island clusters such as Taiping Island, Pratas, and others. Taiwan is also a country that has a less conditional role than other countries. Taiwan's goal in this regard is to maintain a range of islands, protecting areas and economic interests, such as the fleet of ships in tuna fishing. Sixthly, Brunei Darussalam claims waters in the South China Sea and some reefs mainly around the Spartly Islands. However, Brunei Darussalam had been neutral and tended to choose this approach peacefully and diplomatically.
Brunei Darussalam's goal is in the development of offshore oil and gas fields in its ZEE, as well as the long-term importance of national programs. Seventh, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as an ASEAN organization serves as a mediator in the South China Sea dispute case. ASEAN's goal is to facilitate dialogue and negotiations between parties involved in the dispute, as well as to promote peace and stability in the Southeast Asian region. Finally, Indonesia uses diplomatic relations to manage the South China Sea. As seen from the results of the cooperation carried out by Indonesia in the form of First Track Diplomacy. In Regional Leadership, Indonesia as a regional country in the Southeast Asian region is in an important position in maintaining sustainability in the South China Sea region. Indonesia's goal in this regard is to maintain national interests, support the Declaration of Conduct (DOC) and maintain regional stability.
In South China Sea dispute resolution there are several roles and objectives between actors such as overcoming differences in interes where the actors involved may differ in terms of their interes, such as differences in products produced, production methods, or a targeted market. In this respect, conversation and consideration between actors can help achieve more outstanding achievements and agreements and create useful provisions. In addition to addressing conflicts between actors involved in the South China Sea dispute that may occur due to differences in priorities, goals, or how to develop. Then increased competitiveness such as cooperation and conversation between actors in resolving the South China Sea dispute which can help increase their competition in regional and global markets. By implementing effective management and job-sharing mechanisms, and creating energy between companies, governments, and communities, Chinese companies can increase and increase their competitiveness in the international market. Creating networks and alliances also needs to be considered because cooperation between actors in resolving the South China Sea dispute can encourage and help create more effective and wide-ranging networks and alliances. The network can help prepare markets, prepare human resources, and monitor development. And the latter in overcoming challenges or obstacles between actors in resolving the South China Sea dispute that may face challenges or obstacles such as differences in standards, cultural differences, and lack of communication. It is a conversation and consideration between actors and each other that can help overcome these challenges and provide and create a better environment. The conclusion that can be taken from roles and destination between actors in completion of South China, Vietnam, Vietnam, and other actors such as China, Vietnam, and other actors. This is very influential because every actor must have an important role and purpose for his country.


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