Life is all about surprises, good and bad
You’ll never know what will happen
You’ll never know who waits in that corner
Sometimes you’re not sure where to turn
Different roads conjure different possibilities
Destiny may seem bleak
Then again there’s always that dot of light at the end of the tunnel
You just have no idea how long is that personal tunnel of yours
When times are good, be prepare to cry and suffer
When times are bad, tell yourself you’ll be smiling again in no time
When love is around get ready to have a broken heart
When love seems so far, make sure your arms are wide enough to welcome one
Life is all about black and white
With all the gray variations in between
Life is all about love and hate
Along with all the added levels of each emotions
Life is risky and life is about security
Learning to balance them all is a lifetime journey
I’ve been through much
I’ve been up and I’ve been down
I’ve been in love a couple of times
I’ve been cursing a number of men
I’ve met many people
The good, the bad, the ugly, and in between
Then again I want more
I’ve craved balance
God gave one way
I’ve craved passion
He sent it right away
Life is all about balance
That I’ve learned for sure
My journey is still so far
Come what may