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In Remembrance of Her, Eight Years After

27 Oktober 2011   14:03 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:26 37 0
A  diary  on  May  9th

Today, in some part of the world is celebrated as the mother's day.
Though in my place the formal celebration is on December 22,
but i think there is no much different for me now whether celebrating today or later,
because she passed away ....
To me everyday would be the day of remembering her,
remembering her passion of being midwife who never felt trouble to woke up in the middle of the night to serve the process of giving birth ...
remembering her warm, tenderness and loving heart to all children and the family ...
remembering all she did that bringing life, joy and peace for others ....
oh, how i missed her so much ....
I missed the moments to hear stories that made her sad, painful, angry, disappointed ......
I guess she would never probably tell me that ... and indeed she never did.
She just left memories of life giving hand, the hand that helped more than a thousand mothers who long for a baby as well as helping to deliver new living creatures through the warm womb to see the world ....
I wish that i could inherited such hand that are devoted for bringing and weaving Life.

Mother, here is the note from your daughter ...
with me everything is ok, ....
many things happen while you were away .... but mother, don't worry i'm fine.
I'M BLESSED TO LIVE WITH MEMORY OF YOURS, memory of my beloved mother !


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