This unprecedented shift to home learning has had a profound impact on students, parents and teachers across Indonesia. It has also exposed the vast geographic and socio-economic inequalities across the nation, with students from poor backgrounds and students with disabilities most impacted. Fortunetly Unicef is supporting the government to do E-Learning.
Thanks to the generous contributions of individual donors, UNICEF has been able to work with schools, madrasas, teachers and government officials in the education and religious affairs sectors across Indonesia to help children like Moreyna and Joaquin learn effectively from home.
Even education is not ensure your succesfully, but we must always equip each other's qualities to become wise students and people in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. As social creatures, we should be able to adapt to all conditions, including the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Because this adaptability is important to us. Education must also look at various things that are happening in the world. Including the current condition, which is a fairly big problem in the field of Education. Education in general has the nature of providing information to many people. Education has two functions, namely preparing and animating. Education is not just learning, but more than that.
Education is very important for everyone who aims to educate and develop the potential within themselves. By growing and developing each individual can have creativity, wider knowledge, good personality and become a responsible person.
However, assuming most schools remain closed due to rising COVID-19 cases, not only will parents' ability to help their children study from home be stretched, but children will also lose, on average, about a third of a year of learning. This loss will affect their capacity to earn in the future.
In this era of globalization and COVID-19, it is hoped that the younger generation can develop education wisely, so that it is not left behind by the rapid development of the times. One of them is by contributing to various fields of Education, still improving self-quality, and implementing health protocols as recommended by the government.