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Climate Change

31 Oktober 2024   14:47 Diperbarui: 2 November 2024   12:13 153 1
The meaning of climate change according to Australian Academy of Science is a change in the pattern of weather, and related changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, occurring over time scales of decades or longer. At Natuna island which is situated at the North Natuna Sea boarding with the South China Sea. The climate change is felt during the north wind season. If at the morning the weather is sunny, at the afternoon will be rainy. It happens dymanically like the potential conflict at the South China Sea. It remainds me the incident between The Cost Guard of Indonesia we calls BAKAMLA and The China Cost Guard at the nine dashline claim. So we must think, think and think that it happened because of there is no the MOU and or the code of conduct of ASEAN about the sea teritory. So there are qoute or the wise speech or phylosophy :


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