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World War II In Just 10 Minutes! (Part 1)

2 Januari 2013   08:40 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   18:38 137 0
History is about everyone’s history and we need to learn about everyone’s perspective. It’s like seeing something from a tree, you can see more from one point of view. But a tree’s view is different than a bird’s view in many ways. That is why it is important to learn about the many points of views.

I’m guessing you’ve learned of World War 2 in school. When Japan colonized Indonesia, we fought back to achieve our Independence. And Russia helped because Russia is cool and all. But actually there is a cause and effect for everything. Did Japan attack Pearl Harbor for no reason at all? Did Japan colonize Indonesia because they wanted to? Did Russia help Indonesia because they had nothing better to do? In this article I will try to discuss everything about the war in a short amount of time, starting now.

The war first began when Germany invaded Poland. No one wanted war to start and to continue what World War 1 left. But Germany wanted to expand its territory further, thinking that no one would get in the way. Unfortunately things did get a little crazy. Before Germany invaded Poland they made a deal with Russia that they wouldn’t fight against each other if they split Poland for the both of them after conquering it.

Great Britain and France thought that they couldn’t just stand there and do nothing while Poland was being attacked. So Britain and France declared war on Germany. Even though war broke out, Germany still wanted to expand, thus they invaded Finland and Norway.

And after that, Germany still expanded into west Europe by invading France, Netherlands and Belgium. They were unstoppable as they conquered so much land! The reason for their success was because they used the tactic known as blitzkrieg or ‘lightning war’. The way the tactic works is that the Germans used tanks called Panzers and rushed through the enemy with fast speeds. They also had the help of air support from above. This helped the Germans in the early war dramatically.

Italy joined in on the war on the Germans side, also known as the Axis. What the Italians really wanted was land in return of helping the Germans. The Germans looked as if they were going to win so Italy joined in on the bigger side while trying not to pick the wrong side. Unfortunately they did pick the wrong side. And I didn't talk about Spain yet. Spain, the winner of the 2010 World cup and The Euro Cup in soccer. The Spanish are also good at war, but they were having their own civil war so they couldn’t join in on the fun, but they aided Germany by sending troops instead.


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