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Teenage Mental Health in Indonesia

12 Desember 2023   22:30 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   23:47 98 0
Mental health is an issue that is often discussed and is an important matter for people, it mostly happens in teenagers and children. Based on the Indonesia-National Adolescent Mental Health Survey 2022, 15,5 million (34,9 percent) teenagers have a mental problem, and 2,45 million (5,5 percent) teenagers have mental disorders. This mostly happens in teenagers around 16-20 years. This is caused by the transition from teenagers to an adult, so they need to adapt to this situation. The adaptation is related to new social lives, education and social responsibilities, and cultural demands. All of these things make them feel pressured and they still don't know how to deal with this stress and anxiety. The mental disorders most commonly suffered by teenagers are anxiety disorders, a combination of social phobia and anxiety disorders at 3.7%. 


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