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Benefits of Coorperation in Making Medium Tank Between Turkey and Indonesia

13 Januari 2024   23:18 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2024   23:27 402 0
Bilateral relations between Turkey and Indonesia began in 1957, marked by the opening of a Turkish representative office in Indonesia. Since then, the two countries have been involved in a cooperative relationship that continues to develop
Turkey and Indonesia united through their defense companies, FNSS Turkey and PT Pindad Indonesia, to develop a joint medium tank. Indonesia, in its efforts to achieve defense independence, requires technology transfer, encouraging continued defense cooperation between the two countries. Indonesia appointed PT Pindad, a Defense Industry BUMN, to collaborate with the Turkish company, FNSS, in the development of medium tanks and Software Defined Radio (SDR). FNSS, with long experience in the defense and security industry, has collaborated with various countries in the manufacture of defense equipment. Through this collaboration, Indonesia hopes to be able to produce defense equipment made in domestic industry again, while FNSS has carried out similar collaboration with other countries in the defense industry.


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