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Learning Basic Content Marketing with Ruby House Jogja

29 November 2022   16:25 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   16:27 63 0
 Kompasiana- On Tuesday (18/10/2022) Ruby House was still in the framework of DMP Bath 2, MBKM Entrepreneurship with selected UMKM and twenty students of the Communication Studies Study Program, 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta. Of course, the resource person is Bondan Satria, who on this occasion presented the theme "Content Marketing Basics". Content Marketing is the most important part of the marketing process. Content marketing can not only be done offline but also online. The goal of creating content marketing itself is to make it long-term to build good communication with customers. The first stage is to use an attract, interest and brush strategy. Besides that, planning or content mapping must also be arranged in such a way as to adjust to market temperature.


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