This research aims to find out how the application of the problem-based learning model can increase learning motivation and student learning outcomes in Indonesian language lessons with text material from observation reports at Sriwijaya Karangpucung Vocational School. This research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles implemented using comparative descriptive data analysis. The research subjects for this class were all students of class X AKL AKL at SMK Sriwijaya Karangpucung.
The research procedure was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 stages, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation, 3) Observation, 4) Reflection. The variables of this research are the Problem Based-Learning (PBL) model, student learning motivation and student learning outcomes. Data collection techniques are carried out in the form of observation reports, questionnaires and tests. The research results show that the learning motivation of students learning observation report texts has increased. It is evident from the pre-cycle average value of 27.03%, an increase of 40.54% in cycle I and increasing to 86.49% in cycle II.
The increase in learning outcomes was seen from before being subjected to action in the pre-cycle of 37 students, only 32% succeeded in meeting the completion criteria. After taking action in the first cycle, the achievement of student learning outcomes in the text material of the observation report increased to 57%. The achievement of student learning outcomes increased to 84%. It can be concluded that the Problem Based-Learning model can increase motivation and learning outcomes in learning text reports from observations of class X AKL students at Sriwijaya Karangpucung Vocational School.
Meaningful words: Motivation, learning outcomes, PBL
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan model pembelajaran problem Based-learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan materi teks laporan hasil observasi di SMK Sriwijaya Karangpucung. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan pelaksanaan 2 siklus menggunakan analisis data deskriptif komparatif. Subjek penelitian kelas ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X AKL AKL di SMK Sriwijaya Karangpucung.
 Prosedur penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) Perencanaan, 2) Pelaksanaan, 3) Pengamatan, 4) Refleksi. Variabel penelitian ini adalah model Problem Based- Learning (PBL), motivasi belajar peserta didik dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan bentuk laporan hasil observasi, angket dan Tes. Hasil peneitian menunjukan bahwa motivasi belajar peserta didik pembelajaran teks laporan hasil observasi mengalami peningkatan. Terbukti dari nilai rata-rata pra siklus 27,03% meningkat 40,54% pada siklus I dan meningkat menjadi 86,49% pada iklus II.
Peningkatan hasil belajar dilihat dari sebelum dikenakan Tindakan pada pra siklus dari 37 peserta didik hanya 32% yang berhasil memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan. Setelah dikenai Tindakan pada siklus pertama pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik materi teks laporan hasil observasi meningkat menjad 57% pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik meningkat menjadi 84%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa model Problem Based- Learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar pada pembelajaran teks laporan hasil observasi peserta didik kelas X AKL di SMK Sriwijaya Karangpucung.
Kata bermakna: Motivasi, Hasil belajar, PBL