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More Than A Monkey

12 Agustus 2010   09:55 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:06 104 0
Title: The Hanuman Factor Author: Anand Krishna Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama First published: January 2010 Pages: 206 Price: Rp 40.000 "Ambeg utama, andhap asor" (Be the first in learning, but never show up) - Javanese saying “Nalikane Alengka diobong, diobong, diobong...” (Once upon the time, Alengka was burned, burned, burned...). This song is very popular in Java island, especially in the sub-urban area. Hanuman is a figure from Ramayana epic. He was Rama's ambassador saving Sinta who was kidnapped by Rahwana. His appearance is almost similar like Sun Go Kong. Hanuman's mother is Anjana, a beautiful goddess from heaven. The father is wind god, named Bayu. Therefore, in the east he was called Bayu's son. When he was still a baby, Hanuman has ever swollen the sun. For, its shape is like his favorite candy. Adult Hanuman is very powerful. He is able to fly crossing the ocean to save his Master's wife. Alone this mighty monkey burned Alengka. In this "Hanuman Factor" Anand explained the 8 skills owned by the Rama's servant (page 140-141). For examples, Anima (the ability to be so small, like an atomic form), Mahima (the ability to be huge, like a giant), Garima (the ability to be so weight), Laghima (the ability to be so bright), Prapti (the ability to exist in two different places in the same time), Prakamya (the ability to manifest any wills), Isitva (the ability to enter others' body) and Vasittva (the ability to control any circumstances). This spiritual activist interprets those abilities from the modern psychological point of view. For instances, Anima is Hanuman's skill to life without any burdens. Prapti is his ability to be in tune with the human's progress by reading a lot. Maya Safira Muchtar, a famous therapist said that the word "Book" stands for broad ocean of knowledge. Page 26-27 mentions a unique diagram. Showing 4 ways in finding the "center" in ourselves. First is Kama or strong will. Second is Arta, not only related with wealth but also with human's life value. Third is Darma or Rightfulness. Last but not least is Moksa or ultimate freedom. Freedom from and freedom to. Unfortunately, people tend to combine Kama with Arta, which are in a line. Therefore, we only have a strong will to collect money. Similar with the combination of Darma and Moksa, we do something good only to get reward (heaven) and to avoid punishment (hell). What is our different with a donkey? who just want to eat carrot and avoid stick. The ideal meeting is in diagonal line. Meaning that we have Kama or strong will to gain Moksa or ultimate freedom, not after the death but during our life time right here right now. Than, we collect wealth to be shared with the oppressed people. It's our Darma. In tune with John Lennon's imagination, "Imagine all the people, sharing all the world..." Hanuman is more than a monkey. In Javanese culture he was called "budha - budhi". An unlighted being that applied his/her enlightenment in daily life. Hopefully, reading this 206 pages book will color our life with the same spirit.


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