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When the Knight Cried

23 Agustus 2010   01:52 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:47 54 0
Well, when we will be married Guys, I'm sure all women when getting married definitely crave-ideal figure of a husband who ... really guys. They thought their husbands would always be strong, unwavering faith, bravely facing the temptation, never give up, always opinionated, always know what they would do. But when the figures began to show weakness of their husbands, many women are shocked.

"Why is this so?!?! Which figure boyfriend who always knows what she should do!?!? Where is my hero, once so gallant? Turned out to face pressure in the workplace have been sluggish?!

Actually guys, our husband's human. He said one reason for divorce is most often they refuse to accept that their partner man! Who can forget, be down, be tired, can angry, be sad, to cry, can be broken ...

During married six months, I've had ever see my husband's disappointment, stress, confusion, dizziness, panic, sadness, despair, broken ... At first I was surprised, "Haaaaah? Guys like this ?!?!" but I learned a long time that this was one of my role as a wife. Comfort and strengthen. :) Part of us is to recharge our husband so he could fight again tomorrow at work.

I so remember to an old article I ever wrote. Erhm En ... if I remember correctly, this paper is inspired by the same couple of guys and one of them my love (who became my husband now).

Wekekekek ( :-p ***

Heee guy cry?

"My Nan ren, my ba ba ba me, bu shi zui ...." * Hey man, cry, cry, cry. It's not a sin .* That said, Andy Lau. (:P), Well I usually do not like Andy Lau, but I liked that song. Because I agree with Andy Lau. Guys cry, Is it wrong?

I used the same sentiment a boy, I often feel that society is just being unfair and cruel to women. Standard of beauty that doesn’t make sense, that makes a lot of girls so miserable because the diet must be getting desperate for 'ideal body' like Angelina Jolie. * But I sure would not trade my life with the life of Angelina Jolie. No waaayyy! * Discrimination against women, blablabla. Until I actually didn’t realize that men also face the cruel world. Masculinity is actually the same standard once 'unmanly'.

Macho guy six packs identified with the body, looks cool, maniacs ball, repeatedly changing spare part car, heavy bags, cool car, repeatedly changing boyfriends, going with the gym. Well in reality how many guys who can? Honestly guys, I watched guys around me and my conclusions with my best friend is, turns out all the same guy .... His stomach uneven wear * sung tone "I Love It"-Vina Panduwinata *. Guys, the macho standards of boys according to the world, it was not macho. Seriously.

One of the many taboos that bastard done by the boys 'macho' is to shed a tear or cry. He says it is unlawful if the man cried. Boys need to be strong. Just a girl who was crying. Crying is a sign of weakness.

Guys, if it according to God he doesn’t need to cry, God will not love you with tears. Seriously. The guy didn’t spend Mother's Milk? Why? Because according to God, this guy doesn’t need Mother's Milk, guys will never breastfeeding, so you don’t need milk. God created it easier to design things so that your body doesn’t need to spend Mother's Milk, so it's just as easy thing for God to design you will not shed tears. But God still gives a tear for the guy .... Because for God, there's nothing wrong with a man who was crying.

I saw some guy crying in front of me. Something I made crying * well when I was a primary school, and boy was crying because it lost a fight with me (:p) It's not because I rejected his love. Wekekekek *, some other personal reasons, and some because touched by God. I appreciate the guys who dare to cry * with the obvious reason of course *.

Some guy who never got near to my heart soft. From the outside they may be plasticity arrogant, loud, ignorant, but actually deep down inside they have a soft heart. Sometimes the guys here who are desperate. Because they are afraid of being laughed at by the world if caught soft-hearted. Therefore they use a lot of ways to protect their hearts, themselves. And sometimes guys, the very thing that makes me sad. Why you should hide yourself, your heart with a mask like that? Because so they can 'fit' with the macho standards of the world, they change themselves, change their hearts. Sad to see it all!

Guys, if you guys know that the God who is a genuine guy 1000%, the most macho guy, a guy most guys who live in this world it is a soft-hearted? Did you know you that the shortest verse in the Bible that reads, "Jesus wept" (the weeping Jesus) John 11:35. The shortest verse in the Bible does not talk about the mighty acts of God, God's greatness, but rather about something that is considered taboo by the world. Jesus wept. God cries. The real man, God the creator of the entire universe, all galaxies, the God who created the Lion, Tiger, Tiger, Crocodile, Elephant, who created the creator of Rambo, Superman, Batman, Hulk, Goggle, Five, Black Knight Steel, CRYyyyy. Yessssss. Jesus wept.

Guys, I'm not telling you cry as much as possible with less so that more and more like JC, NOTttttttt .... But I miss, the True Men of God to learn about the world of manhood rather than from principle, but from the Men True.

You destroy yourself if you measure yourself with the principles of the world. Trying to be macho world standard disposable. Hoping to attract so many girls, ouch guys. Seriously. That old-fashioned way. No slang.

If you want to become the True Men, learn to learn from God himself. Ask God to replace the wrong concept that as long as you hold it with new thoughts of God.

Guys, the world we need a lot of the True Man. The man who learns from the Creator.

The man who reflects the image of God, who had a heart GOD.

Men who understand that true strength comes not from the barbell exercises in the gym but from the knees to pray before God.

Men who understand that true love is obtained not from a fiery sweet words but from a commitment and willingness to make sacrifices.

Men who understand that true intelligence is not obtained from books or experience of life but merely the wisdom and grace from God.

Men who understand that success in life is not determined by how much sweat is shed, how hard he tried, but success was obtained solely thanks to the Lord.

A real man not a man who can live independently, but instead was a brave man 'dependent' on God.

A real man not a man who could solve all problems, but the man who dared to admit that he can not live without God.

Guys, if you want to be a macho man, a guy who really guys, come on God. He missed and had to wait long to change you into a man and similar TRUE THAT MEN. ( :-))

Jakarta, 23 Sept 2009



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