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Emotional Intelligence: Does Parenting Style Affects It?

19 Desember 2024   19:28 Diperbarui: 19 Desember 2024   19:39 59 0
Recently, there was a case of beating of a koas doctor caused by a fight over the duty schedule during Christmas and New Year's Eve. The koas doctor who was beaten was named Luthfi, while the koas doctor who fussed over the duty schedule was named Lady. Initially, Lady's mother requested a discussion with Luthfi. However, Lady's mother felt that Luthfi did not respect her decision, which provoked the emotions of Fadilla (Lady's mother's driver). Fadilla physically abused Luthfi, causing injuries and trauma. Now, are you wondering what could have made Fadilla so easily angered and without thinking, physically abused Luthfi? This can be caused by low emotional intelligence, so Fadilla does not have good control in managing her emotions. So, what is emotional intelligence? Chen, Peng, and Feng (2023) state that emotional intelligence is the ability of individuals to understand their own and other people's feelings appropriately. Emotional intelligence is a measurement tool that shows the extent to which individuals have the ability to think logically to solve problems and interact with others (Esnaola, Revuelta, Ros, & Sarasa, 2017). Emotional intelligence can be influenced by several factors, including parenting. Pujiyanti (2010) stated that parenting is a technique of regulating the characteristics carried out by parents as a manifestation of responsibility in the formation of the child.


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