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The Power of Dreaming

13 April 2011   17:53 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:50 101 1
The dictionary defines a dream as a hope, an inspiration, or an aim; to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision; to think or conceive of something in a very remote way.

Maybe you have a few definitions of your own, or some that you've heard in your life’s journey – definitions that may have even stolen your dream building abilities. Maybe the odd, "keep dreaming," or "in your dreams," or even "get real."

Some people think of dreamers as being detached from real life with their heads in the clouds. In fact dreaming big is one thing successful people have in common. Not only do they dream but also they set a timeline of events or goals, which keep them on track and headed for their dream.
So, who wants to succeed in everything, must begin by Dreaming first but not Nightmare :-)


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