Online learning, immediately makes us aware of the tremendous potential of the internet that has not been fully utilized in various fields, including the field of education.  Without limitation of space and time, educational activities can be done anytime and anywhere.  Moreover, in an era where there is no certainty when this pandemic will end, online learning is an absolute necessity that must be met by all Indonesians.
 However, behind every positive side of something, there must be a negative side, or at least a bad possibility that could have happened.  Although formally educational activities can still be done online, because students and students have to study at home, character education during this pandemic, it feels a little neglected.
 Previously, when educational activities were carried out in schools, character education was carried out under direct supervision of the teacher or lecturer.  Activities that support character education can also be carried out directly, intensively and their success rate can be measured.
 However, nowadays, when educational activities are carried out online, where there is only a learning process, or knowledge transfer, nothing can guarantee students or students get character education from their parents according to the values that have been.  taught by educational institutions.
 For example, in several Islamic schools, which emphasize character education with religious activities such as sunnah prayer and compulsory congregational prayer, or Al-Quran recitation, currently they cannot automatically do these activities, because students have to study at home.  Indeed, it is possible that some schools have established a mechanism for reporting student worship activities at home, but still the presence of teachers and educators and their direct interaction with students is necessary for the implementation of comprehensive character education.
 The role models of educators who are seen and felt directly by students and students are the main key to character education in educational institutions.  Especially in the current situation, where many parents are very busy working, especially at times when online learning is carried out.  Of course they cannot directly supervise what their children are doing.
 Many teachers complain about student and student participation when online learning takes place.  Teachers have difficulty determining whether students and students are taking learning seriously.  Because it often happens, in online learning, there are students or students who deliberately put up a video that has been recorded, so that it seems like they are following the learning process, but in fact they are doing something else.
 In the evaluation process there were also many difficulties faced.  If usually tests or exams, teachers or lecturers can carry out direct supervision, so that students or students can be educated to be honest in doing questions, now the situation has changed, no one can supervise and confirm whether the questions given are done alone or not?  or while looking for answers from the internet then just "copy and paste" the answers?
 Learning sports, and practicum in the laboratory, are also neglected.  Even though the subject matter educates students and students to have positive characters such as, thorough, diligent, honest, careful, not giving up easily and appreciating the process.